First up, here's my March ornament:Country Cottage Needleworks - Visions of Sugar Plums unknown 28ct linen with DMC
I was so sorry to hear the bad news about Lisa from the Primitive Needle as were a lot of others. I decided to stitch one of her designs. Here's a little witch:
The last few weeks I've been stitching on an older wip, Mirabilia's Mermaids of the Deep Blue. The last time I touched this I had to frog a bit and ended up putting it away. I was just past the halfway mark. Here's a progress pic of the whole project, I've been working on the left mermaid and you can see with the mermaid on the right where I was at previously.
Well that's it for now, I'm currently working on Bent Creek's Easter Snapper for an Easter SAL I'm in with one of my yahoo groups. As I only started it last night I haven't got a pic yet but will endeavour to get one soon.
Thanks for looking and as always, your comments if you have a chance to post one are most welcome!
Happy Stitching
Well that's all for me today, I'll endeavour to post more progress & exchange pics this week.
Happy stitching
Heart in Hand - Leggy Snowman
Little House Needleworks - Frosty Flakes
32ct Raw/Natural Belfast
Crescent Colours & DMC
Stitching completed January 24, 2011
Well thanks for looking & thanks for all your comments too!
Happy Stitching
Just Nan - Frost on the Pumpkin
finished Jan 18th, 2011
28ct sage cashel
DMC & charted beads
Well that's all for me today, not sure which project I will pick up today but there may even be another finish in the wings!